Conception |
By correcting and broadening one's conception of reality, one gets into a better position to heal one's life. |
Misconception and Problem Creation If your conception of reality is off and you act on that conception, your choices will not match up with reality. This causes problems because choices based on misconceptions will not get you the results you want or expect. |
How Misconception Can Block Resolution Certain misconceptions can directly block resolution of a problem because they logically indicate that the problem cannot be solved. For instance, the misconception that people do not change indicates that a problem one is having with another person may be unsolvable. One common area of misconception in this resolution blocking category centers around the understanding of genetics. People blame genes for everything from personality to anorexia and misconceive so called genetic problems to be unsolvable without some type of medical intervention to change the genes. |
Using Logic and Sense of Rightness to Heal Conception In a world where one's conception of reality is incorrect and one is surrounded by people whose conceptions are off, a way to correct one's conception is by using logic, one's sense of rightness and conflict resolution to work toward the truth. |